Say More Than Less
A podcast by the real, for the real. Our goal is to encourage society to talk more, join us on this journey as we dive into sports, music, society, family, mental health, politics, and the culture. S >< L
Say More Than Less
Shooters Shoot
Jordan Kennard & Caleb Banks
Episode 34
Episode 34 of the Say More than Less podcast starts with Caleb and Jo recapping their trip to Denver, the duo then... actually Caleb explains how he shoots his friendship shot (ladies take notes lol) (10:29), and as Jo approaches 30 the guys discuss on what age is considered old (19:38). The guys then talk about the fluidity of gender roles (26:12), and do your friends owe you support? (32:28) Hair extensions for men the new wave? (47:36), and more!
Follow Us on the Socials
Twitter/IG: @SayMoreThanLess
Caleb: @banksnowitzki